Chapter 1 Networking in Cisco Unity
Comparison of AMIS, Bridge, and VPIM Networking
Table | Distribution Lists |
| Bridge | VPIM |
| |
The AMIS protocol does not support | Octel Analog Networking does not | The VPIM specification does not include | |
delivery to a distribution list on the | support delivery to a distribution list on | support for message delivery to a | |
recipient voice messaging system. | the recipient voice messaging system. | distribution list on the recipient voice | |
Outbound messages from | Outbound messages from Cisco Unity to | messaging system. | |
Cisco Unity to the AMIS system | the Octel system must be addressed to a | Outbound messages from Cisco Unity to | |
must be addressed to a mailbox ID on | mailbox ID on the remote system. | the VPIM system must be addressed to a | |
the remote system. (However, an | (However, an administrator on the remote | mailbox ID on the remote system. | |
administrator on the remote system | system may be able to configure a | (However, an administrator on the remote | |
may be able to configure a mailbox | mailbox ID to forward messages to a | system may be able to configure a | |
ID to forward messages to a | distribution list.) | mailbox ID to forward messages to a | |
distribution list.) |
| Outbound messages from Cisco Unity | distribution list.) |
| |
Outbound messages from | can be addressed to a Cisco Unity public | Outbound messages from Cisco Unity | |
Cisco Unity can be addressed to a | or private distribution list that includes | can be addressed to a Cisco Unity public | |
Cisco Unity public or private | Bridge subscribers. Private distribution | or private distribution list that includes | |
distribution list that includes AMIS | lists can include blind addresses. | VPIM subscribers. Private distribution | |
subscribers. Private distribution lists | Incoming Bridge messages are delivered | lists can include blind addresses. | |
can include blind addresses. | to subscriber mailboxes only, and cannot | Incoming VPIM messages are delivered | |
| ||
Incoming AMIS messages are | be delivered to Cisco Unity public | to subscriber mailboxes only, and cannot | |
delivered to subscriber mailboxes | distribution lists. (However, you may be | be delivered to Cisco Unity public | |
only, and cannot be delivered to | able to set up a Cisco Unity subscriber | distribution lists. (However, you may be | |
Cisco Unity public distribution lists. | account whose sole purpose is to forward | able to set up a Cisco Unity subscriber | |
(However, you may be able to set up | messages to a Cisco Unity public | account whose sole purpose is to forward | |
a Cisco Unity subscriber account | distribution list. See your Microsoft | messages to a Cisco Unity public | |
whose sole purpose is to forward | Exchange and Outlook documentation for | distribution list. See your Microsoft | |
messages to a Cisco Unity public | more information.) | Exchange and Outlook documentation for | |
distribution list. See your Microsoft |
| more information.) | |
Exchange and Outlook |
| |
documentation for more |
| |
information.) |
| Networking Guide for Cisco Unity Release 5.x (With Microsoft Exchange) |