xxiv SC140 DSP Core Reference Manual
The abbreviations used in this manual are listed below:
Table 1. Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AAU Address arit hmetic unit
ADM Application development module
AGU Address generation unit
ALU Arithmetic logic unit
Bn AGU base address register n
BFU Bit-field unit
BMU Bit mask unit
DALU Data arithmetic and logi c unit
DSP Digital signal processor
ECR EOnCE control register
EDU Event detection unit, with respect to the EOnCE
EE EOnCE event pins
EMCR EOnCE monitor and control register
EMR Exception and mode register
EOnCE Enhanced on-chip emulator
ERCV EOnCE receive register
ES Event selector, with respect to the EOnCE
ESP Exception mode stack pointer
ESR EOnCE status register
ETRSMT EOnCE transmit register
EXT Extension portion of a data register
FC Fetch counter
FIFO First-in first-out
FFT Fast Fourier transform
HP High portion of a data register
IPL Interrupt priority level
ISAP Instruction Set Accelerator Plug-in