Freescale Semiconductor SC140 Arithmetic Saturation Mode, Arithmetic Saturation Example

Models: SC140

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DALU Arithmetic Saturation Mode

By setting the arithmetic saturation mode (SM) bit in the SR, the arithmetic unit’s result is limited to 32 bits (high portion and low portion). The dynamic range of the DALU is therefore reduced to 32 bits. The purpose of this bit is to provide a saturation mode for algorithms that do not recognize or cannot take advantage of the extension bits.

Arithmetic saturation operates by checking whether bits 39–31 of a relevant DALU instruction result in all ones or all zeros. If they are not, and if bit 39 is one, the result receives the negative saturation constant $FF 8000 0000. If bit 39 is zero, the result receives the positive saturation constant $00 7FFF FFFF. If saturation occurs, the DOVF bit in the EMR register is set.1

The calculation for saturation is not affected by the scaling mode. In the same way, the rounding of the saturation constant during execution of MPYR, MACR and RND instructions is independent of the scaling mode: $00 7FFF FFFF is rounded to $00 7FFF 0000 and $FF 8000 0000 is unchanged.

The instructions that are affected by arithmetic saturation mode are: MAC, MPY, MACR, MPYR, SUB, ADD, NEG, ABS, RND, INC, ADR, SBR, SUBL, ASR, SUBNC, ADDNC, and ASL.

When the arithmetic saturation mode is set, for most of the instructions, the scaling mode bits are ignored for the calculation of the Ln bit, and the Ln bit cannot be set. For instructions ADC, DIV, SBC, TFR, TFRT, and TFRF, however, the arithmetic saturation mode is ignored, and the Ln bit will be calculated. These six are dependent on arithmetic saturation mode to the extent that scaling is not considered in the Ln bit calculation if arithmetic saturation mode is on. See Section, “Scaling and Arithmetic Saturation Mode Interactions,” on page 2-16 for more information.

The arithmetic saturation mode is always disabled during the execution of the following instructions: TFR, TFRT, TFRF, MAX, MAXM, MIN, ADD2, SUB2, DIV, SBC, ADC, MAX2, MAX2VIT,

DMACSU, DMACSS, MACSU, MACUS, MACUU, MPYSU, MPYUU, MPYUS, IADDNC, CMPHI, DECEQ, DECGE all integer multiplication operations, and all BFU operations as described in Table 2-6 on page 2-13. If the result of these instructions should be saturated, a SAT.L Dn instruction must be executed following the original instruction.

If the arithmetic saturation mode is set and data saturation occurs, the sticky data overflow bit (DOVF) in the EMR is set to signify that the arithmetic result before saturation cannot be represented in 32 bits. Note that if arithmetic saturation mode is not set, the DOVF bit is set when overflow from 40 bits occurs.

Table 2-14 provides an example of the arithmetic saturation mode.

Table 2-14. Arithmetic Saturation Example



New Value














bmset #$0004,sr.l


$00e4 0004

Arithmetic saturation mode set





moveu.w #$7fff,d0.h


$7fff 0000

d0.h set with the most positive 2’s complement number





moveu.w #$7fff,d1.h


$7fff 0000

d1.h set with the most positive 2’s complement number





add d0,d1,d3


$0:00:7fff ffff

Max positive constant loaded in D3. L3 bit not set from











$0000 0004

DALU overflow bit set





1.In case of a 40-bit overflow which takes place in conjunction with arithmetic saturation, the constant being chosen is undefined, and it can be either the negative or positive constant.

SC140 DSP Core Reference Manual


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Freescale Semiconductor SC140 specifications Arithmetic Saturation Mode, Arithmetic Saturation Example