SC140 DSP Core Reference Manual 2-13 Data Shifter/Limiter
The data shifters/limiters provide special post-processing on data written from a Dn register to the XDBA
or XDBB buses. There are eight independent shifters/limiters, four for the XDBA bus and four for the
XDBB bus, allowing transfers to memory of up to four words per MOVES instruction with scaling and
limiting. Each consists of a shifter for scaling followed by a limiter. Note that arithmetic saturation from
DALU operations is a different function. Saturation occurs in the DALU before data is written to a
destination register.
Table 2-6. DALU Logical Instructions (BFU)
Instruction Description
AND Logical AND
ASLL Multi-bit a r it hmetic shift left
ASLW Word arithmetic shift left (16-bit shift)
ASRR Multi-bit arithmetic shift right
ASRW Word arithmetic shift right (16-bit shift)
CLB Count leading bits (ones or zeros)
EOR Bit-wise exclusive OR
EXTRACT Extract signed bit-field
EXTRACTU Extract unsigned bit-field
INSERT Insert bit-field
LSLL Multi-bit logical shift left
LSR Logical shift right by one bit
LSRR Multi-bit logical shift right
LSRW Word logical shift right (16-bit shift)
NOT One’s complement (inversion)
OR Bit-wise inclusive OR
ROL Rotate one bit left through the carry bit
ROR Rotate one bit right through the carry bit
SXT.B Sign extend byte
SXT.L Sign extend long
SXT.W Sign extend word
ZXT.B Zero extend byte
ZXT.L Zero extend long
ZXT.W Z ero extend word