Note- See the procedure for system-stopped maintenance for inactive/cold maintenance in a
single-chassisco nfiguration.
Caution - To completely shut down the system, all the power cords must be
removed. If the power cords are not removed, an electrical failure may occur.
Aro ot complex consists of an I/O controller on a processor, PCI switches, and PCI
devicesu nder the I/O controller.
ForSPARC M10-4/M10-4S with two CPUs installed, if a CPU memory unit is
expandedin order to add two CPUs when the I/O bus reconfiguration is
"enabled",it will ch ange the device paths of the I/O devices that have been used.
Beforeadding the memory unit, execute the setpparmode command by specifying
"false"for ioreconfigure with the -m function=mode option to "disable" the I/O bus

7.2.5 Precautions for removal

Notethe following points when you reduce a CPU memory unit upper:
You mustalso reduce the four PCIecables for connecting the CPU memory unit
upperwith the CPU memory unit lower.
Ifa C PU memory unit is diminished to remove two CPUs, it will eliminate the
root complexes for the two CPUs in use up to then, making some PCIe slots
unavailable. To make the PCIe slots available, execute the setpparmode command
byspecify ing "true" or "nextboot" for ioreconfigure with the -m function=mode
option to "enable" the I/O bus reconfiguration function. Since the I/O bus is
reconfigured, the physical partition must also be reconfigured.
7.3 Enabling the Removal of a CPUMemory Unit
Thissection describes the preparations that must be completed prior to removing a
CPUmemory unit. The preparation procedure differs depending on the maintenance
typea s follows:
Active/Cold maintenance
Inactive/Cold maintenance
System-stopped maintenance
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual December 201388