3.3.1 Checking the LED indications
Checkt he LEDs on the operation panel, rear panel, and on each component to
identifywhich component requires maintenance. Check the status of a component
from its LED before starting any maintenance work on that component.
■Operation panel LEDs
You can check the status of the system by checking the LEDs on the operation
panel.F or details, see "2.3.1 Operation panel LEDs."
■LEDson the r ear panel
You can check the status of the system by noting the CHECK LED on the rear
panelo f the chassis, which has the same function as the CHECK LED on the
operation panel. For details, see "2.3.2 LEDs on the rear panel (System locator)."
■LEDon e ach component
Youcan determine the location of an error by checking the LED on the component
thatin corporates the failed hardware if an error occurs in the hardware within the
chassis. For details, see "2.3.3 LEDs on each component."
Notethat some components such asmemory are not providedwith LEDs. To
check the status of a component that does not have an LED, execute XSCF shell
commands such as the showhardconf command from the maintenance terminal.
For details, see "3.3.3 Checking the status of a component."
3.3.2 Checking error messagesDisplayerror messages to check the log information and obtain an error overview.
You can use either of the following two methods to check the error messages:
■Checkingerror log information using the XSCF shell
Fordetails, see "12.1 Checking a Log Saved by the XSCF" in the Fujitsu M10/
SPARCM10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide.
■Checkingmessages on Oracle Solaris
Fordetails, see "12.2 Checking Warning and Notification Messages" in the Fujitsu
M10/SPARCM10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide.
3.3.3 Checking the status of a componentExecutethe XSCF firmware commands to check the system hardware configuration
andthe status of each component.
showhardconf command
Executethe showhardconf command to check the information for a list of components.
1. LogintotheXSCFshell.
2. Executethe showhardconf command to check the list of components.
Afailed com ponent is indicated by an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line.
Chapter3 Troubleshooting 35