Locationnumber Component
4 IDswitch (SPARC M10-4S and crossbar box only)
6 Powerswitch
Table2-1 Displayand operati on status of operation panel
LEDs/switches on
operationpanel Ifthe SPARC M10-4S or the crossbar box is acting
asthe master XSCF Ifthe SPARC M10-4S or the crossbar box is acting
asan XSCF other than the master XSCF
POWERLE D Enabled(Displays the start or stop status of
theSPARC M10-4S or the crossbar box)
Enabled(Displ ays the start or stop status of
theSPARC M 10-4S or the crossbar box)
Enabled(Displays the XSCF status of the
Enabled(Displ ays the XSCF status of the
SPARCM10-4S or the crossbar box)
CHECKLED Enabled (Displays an abnormal status of
theSPARC M10-4S or the crossbar box)
Enabled(Displ ays an abnormal status of
theSPARC M 10-4S or the crossbar box)
IDswitch Enabled(Reg istration of ID number) Enabled(Registration of ID nu mber)
Modeswitch (*) Enabled(M ode operation of the system) Disabled
Powerswitch Enabled (Start/stop operation of the system) Disabled
*:Set the same mode for the SPARC M10 -4S systems and crossbar boxes with the master XSCF and XCCF in the standby state. If the
settingsare different, an asterisk (*) is di splayed beside the components in the output of the showhardconf or sh owstatus command.
Fora building block configuration, an operation panel is mounted in each chassis of
theSPARC M10-4S or the crossbar box. However, the only operation panel on which
allo fthe LED s and switches are enabled is that of the chassis housing the master
Table2-1 shows the displa y and operation status of the operation panel.
2.2.1 Display function of the operation panel
Theo peration panel has three LED indicators to implement its display function. The
LEDindicat ors indicate the following. For details, see "2.3.1 Operationpa nel LEDs."
Generalsystem status
Systemerror warning
Systemerror location
Chapter2 Understandingthe System Components 19