Table2-6 Systemoperat ion status indicated by LEDs (continue d)
Icon Name Color Description
CHECK Amber Indicatesthe syste m operation status for each chassis.
●On:An error th at prevents startup was detected.
●Off:Normal, or the power is disconnected or not
●Blinking (*): Indicates that the chassis requires
maintenance (this function is also referred to as the
*The blink interval is 1 second (1 Hz).
Table2-7 Systemstatus ind icatedb y combination of LEDs
LEDstate Description
Off Off On Power hasjust been turnedon.
Off Blinking (*) Off The XSCF is being initialized.
Off Off On The XSCF has detected an error.
Off On Off TheXSCF is in the standby state.
Thesystem is waiting for power-on of the air
conditioning facilities (in the data center).
On On Off Warm-up standby processing is in progress. After
theend of this processing, the system starts up.
Systemstartu p processing is in progress.
Thesystem is oper ating.
Blinking (*) On Off Systemstop processing is in progress. After the
endof processing , the fan unit stops.
*The blink interval is 1 second (1 Hz).
2.3.2 LEDs on the rear panel (System locator)Thefield engineer o r system administrator can identify the chassis requiring
maintenance by using the CHECK LED (A in the figure) on the rear panel. The
CHECK LED on the rear panel is referred to as the system locator, and has the same
function as the CHECK LED on the operation panel.
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 201324