Table13-2 Maintenancef low
Detailsof update pro cess Replacement Expansion Reduction
1Pre-check 13.3 13.3 13.3
2 Preparation 13.4 13.4 13.4
3 Removing a PCIe card or the filler for a
13.5 13.5 13.5
4 Installinga PCIe card orthe filler for a
13.6 13.6 13.6
5 Restoringthe sy stem 13.7 13.7 13.7
13.2.3 Precautions for replacementNotethe following points when replacing PCIe cards.
■For active maintenance by PHP, a multipath setting is necessary depending on the
useof the PCIe cards.
13.2.4 Precautions for installationNotethe following points when performing PCIe card expansion.
■Seta m ultipath depending on the use of the PCIe card when performing active/hot
maintenanceor active/cold maintenance with PHP.
■Ifyo u are performing PCIe card expansion, remove the filler for the PCIe card
fromthe PCIe card cassette.
■Keepthe rem oved filler because it will be needed if PCIe card reduction is
subsequently done.
13.2.5 Precautions for removalNotethe following points when removing PCIe cards.
■Seta m ultipath depending on the use of the PCIe card when performing active/hot
maintenanceor active/cold maintenance with PHP.
■Ifyo u are removing a PCIe card, attach the filler for the PCIe card after removing
thePCIe card from the PCIe card cassette.
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 2013242