Note- See the proced ure for system-stopped maintenance for inactive/cold maintenance in a
Note- In the case of a dual power feed, connect the power cords in their original positions by
referringto the record that you made before the start of maintenance.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01
For details, see "3.3.5 Checking log information."
Incorporatet he chassis, in which the CPU memoryu nit requiring maintenance
ismounted, into the physical parti tion.
For details, see "6.2 Incorporating a Chassis into a Physical Partition."
6. Closethe rack door.
7.6.2 Inactive/Cold maintenanceWhen the system is configured withouta hardware RA ID
1. Connect all the power cords to the PSU backplane unit of the chassis
For details, see "6.5.1 Installing the power cord."
2. Returnto the operation of the XSCF fi rmwarereplacefru command to confirm
thatthe chassis has been incorporated into the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
3. Execute the diagxbu command to diagnose the crossbar cables.
Diagnosisis performed when the system board of the chassis connected with the
crossbar cables is not incorporated into the physical partition, or when the
physicalpartition into which the chassis is incorporated is powered off.
Theexa mple below specifies the following:
00:BB-ID ofthe chassist o start the diagnosis
01:BB-ID o ft he destination where the chassis to start the diagnosis is connected
(You can specify one or more of these.)
Tospecif y multiple connection destination BB-IDs, enter a command like
"diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 -t 02".
4. Executethe showlogs command to confirm that the system is operating
Chapter7 Maintainingthe CPU Memor y Units 149