XSCF> replacefru
Note- Inthecaseofadualpowerfeed,makeanoteofthelocationsofthepowercords
beforedisconne cting them to ensure that they are reinstalled correctly.
Caution- Before you handle any components, wear a wrist strap to ground any static
electricity.I fy ou perform this procedure without a wrist strap, individual
componentsor the overall system may be damaged. For details, see "1.5 Notes
Regarding Static Electricity."
5. Poweroff all the physical partiti ons.
Fordetails, see "5.3 PoweringOff the Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
6. Executethe replacefru command to release the crossbar backplane unit
requiringmaintenance from the system.
For details, see "5.1 Releasingan FRU from the System with the replacefru
7. Remove all the power cords from the power supply unit of the crossba r box
For details, see "5.5.2 Removingthe power cord."
28.4 Removing the Cable KitThissection describes the procedure for removing the cable kit at each cable
connection destination.
For the cable connection destinations, see "28.1 Configurationof the Cable Kit."
Enableth e removal of the cable kit before attempting to remove it. For details, see
"28.3 EnablingtheRemoval of the Cable Kit."
28.4.1 Removing the cables for the connection between
the crossbar backplane unit and terminal board
terminal board.
1. Removethe frontcov er.
For details, see "5.5.3 Removingthe front cover."
2. Removeall thefan units.
For details, see "19.4 RemovingaFan Unit."
Chapter28 MaintainingtheCable Kit of the Crossbar Box 431