Chapter 26
Maintaining the XSCF BB Control
Thischapter describes the procedure for maintaining the XSCF BB control cables.
■Configurationof the Ports for the XSCF BB Control Cables
■BeforeMaintaining an XSCF BB Control Cable
■Enablingthe Removal of an XSCF BB Control Cable
■Removingan XSCF BB Control Cable
■Installing an XSCF BB Control Cable
■Restoringthe System
26.1 Configuration of the Ports for the
XSCF BB Control Cables
Thissection describes the configuration and the location of the ports to which the
XSCFBB control cables are connected.
TheXSCF BB control cables are used to connect the XSCFs mounted in the SPARC
M10-4Sor crossbar box chassis.