Chapter 8Maintaining the Memory
Thischapter describes the procedure for maintaining the memory mounted on the
SPARCM10-4/M10-4S. Memo ry can bereplaced, expanded, and reduced.
MemoryConfiguration Rules
BeforeMaintaining Memory
Enablingthe Removal of Memory
Installing Memory
Restoringthe System
8.1 Memory Configuration
Thissection describes the configuration and location of memory.
Amaximum of 32 memory modules can be implemented in one CPU memory unit.
Onechassis can contain two CPU memory units; the CPU memory unit upper and
lower. Therefore, the maximum number of memory modules that can be impleme nted
inone chassis is 64.
Figure8-1 shows the memory locations and the memory groups of the CPU memory
unitlo wer, while Figure 8-2 showsthose of the CPU memory unit upper.