Note- Mak e a note of the positions of the cables connected to the external interface before
disconnectingt hem to ensure that they are reinstalled correctly.
Note- Mak e a note of the positions of the PCIe card cassettes before removing them t o ensure
thatthey are rein stalled correctly.
Note- If no cr ossbar unit is mounted, proceed to step 7.
15.4.1 Accessing the operation panel
1. Checkthe ID switch on the operation panel and record the BB-ID set for the
chassisrequiring maintenance.
2. Lowerthe cable support.
For details, see "5.5.1 Loweringthe cable support."
3. Removeall thecables connected to the external interface.
Theca blest o be removed are as follows.
Interface cable connected to the PCI Express (PCIe) card
XSCFBB control cable
XSCFDUAL control cable
4. Removeall PCIecard cassettes.
For details, see "13.5.2 Removing a PCI Express card cassette."
5. Removeall thecrossbar units.
For details, see "9.4.2 Removing a crossbar unit."
6. Loosenthe three screws securing the mounting frame of the crossbar unit
andthen remove the frame.
Chapter15 Maintaining the Operation Panel 287