Table2-9 LEDson the XSC F or XSCF unit and their statuses (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and
Name Color Status Description
READY Green On Indicatesthat the component is operating.
Thecompo nent cannot be released and
removedfr om the system.
Blinking (*) Indicatesthat the co mponent is currently
beingmo unted on the system or being
disconnectedfrom the system.
Off Indicatesthat the component is disconnected
fromthe system. Indicates that the
componentcan be removed andreplaced.
CHECK Amber On Indicatesthat an error has occurred.
Blinking (*) Indicatesthat the co mponent requires
maintenance (This function is also referred to
asthe "locator").
Off Indicatesthe normal state.
MASTER Green On Master chassis
Off Slavechassis
Table2-10 LEDson the XSC F-LAN port and their statuses (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and
Name Color Status Description
ACT Green On Indicates that communicationis being
Off Indicatesthat communication is not bein g
LINKSPEED Amber On Indicatesthat the communication speed is 1
Green Blinking (*) Indicates that the communication speed is
Off Indicatesthat the communication speed is 10
*The blink interval is 1 second (1 Hz).
Table2-11 LEDon the fan unitand its status (S PARC M10-4/M10-4S and crossbar box)
Name Color Status Description
CHECK Amber On Indicatesthat an error has occurred.
Blinking (*) Indicatesthat the co mponent requires
maintenance (This function is also referred to
asthe "locator").
Off Indicatesthe normal state.
*The blink interval is 1 second (1 Hz).
Chapter2 Understandingthe System Components 27