Thissectio n describes the types of the cables that are connected to the SPARC
M10-4/M10-4Sand the crossbar box, as well as the locations of the cable ports.
Thetypes and number of the cables to be used vary depending on the configuration.
2.4.1 Types of cable
Ina building block configuration, the following cables are used for making a
connectionbetween the SPARC M10-4S systems and between the SPARC M10-4S
andthe crossbar box:
■Crossbar cable (electrical)
Thisis used to connect the SPARC M10-4S systemsi n a building block configuration
withoutthe crossbar box.
■Crossbarcable (optical)
Thisis used to connect the SPARC M10-4S with the crossbar box in a building
blockconfiguration with the crossbar box.
■XSCFBB control cable
Thisis used to connect the XSCFs mounted in the SPARC M10-4S or crossbar box
AnXSCF mounted in a chassis becomes the master XSCF and monitors or controls
theentire system. XSCFs other than the master XSCF act as slaves and monitoror
controleach chassis.
■XSCFDUAL control cable
Thisis used to connect the master XSCF to a standby XSCF and duplicateXSCF.
Oneof the slave XSCFs functions as the standby XSCF. If an abnormality occurs
withthe m aster XSCF, the standby XSCF becomes the master XSCF and continues
themonitoring or control of the system.
Eachta ble has a tag that is used for maintenance recording and management.
2.4.2 Cable connection ports
Figure2-14 and Figure 2-15 showthe locations of the cable connection ports of the
SPARCM10-4S and the crossbar box, respectively. See the following chapters for the
procedures for maintaining the cables:
■Chapter24 Maintainingthe Crossbar Cables (Electrical)
■Chapter25 Maintainingthe Crossbar Cables (Optical)
■Chapter 26 Maintainingthe XSCF BB Control Cables
■Chapter 27 Maintainingthe XSCF DUAL Control Cables
Chapter2 UnderstandingtheSy stemComponen ts 29