Waiting for BB#0 to enter install state.
[This operation may take up to 20 minute(s)]
(progress scale reported in seconds)
0..... 30.. done
Waiting for BB#0 to enter ready state.
[This operation may take up to 45 minute(s)]
(progress scale reported in seconds)
0..... 30..... 60..... done
Do you want to start to diagnose BB#0?[s:start|c:cancel] :s
Diagnostic tests for BB#0 have started.
Initial diagnosis is about to start, Continue?[y|n] :y
SB#00-0 power on sequence started.
0..... 30..... 60....end
Initial diagnosis started. [1800sec]
0..... 30..... 60..... 90.....120.....150.....180.....210.....240.....|
Initial diagnosis has completed.
SB power off sequence started. [1200sec]
0..... 30..... 60..... 90.....120....end
SB powered off.
PSB Test Fault
---- ------- --------
00-0 Passed Normal
Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Status of the replaced FRU.
FRU Status
------------------- --------------
/BB#0 Normal
The replacement of BB#0 has completed normally.[f:finish] :f
2. Afterconfi rming that the FRU to be diagnosedis displayed, enter "s".3. Afterconfi rmingagain that the FRU to be diagnosed is displayed, enter "y".Thefo llowing is displayed. Wait until the processing is complete.4. Confirmthat the status is normal ("Normal") after diagnosis, and then enter"f".5. Whenthe maintenance menu appears, enter "c" to exit the operation.FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 201370