Table13-3 WhetherPH P can be used (continue d)
RootComplex PCIeslot CanPHP be
Remarks Reference
Controldomain I/Odomain No See*6 in the example of
executingthe ld m list-io -l
command and *6 in Figure
"Table13-4 Operations
whenPHP ca nnot be used
oryou do n ot use PHP"
Rootdom ain Rootdom ain Yes See*7in the example of
executingthe ld m list-io -l
command and *7 in Figure
"13.4.1 Active/Hot
maintenance(with PHP)"
Rootdom ain I/Odomain No See*8 in the example of
executingthe ld m list-io -l
command and *8 in Figure
"Table13-4 Operations
whenPHP ca nnot be used
oryou do n ot use PHP"
Table13-4 Operationswhen PHP canno t be used or you do not use PHP
Systemconfiguration Operation Reference
Buildingb lock Usebuilding block configuration DR to
releasethe target chassis from the physical
partition(*1) .
"13.4.2 Active/Hotmaintenance
Single-chassisconfigura tion
Stopthe system, and then perform
"13.4.4 System-stoppedmaintenance"
*1: Ifyou do not use DR, the sa me procedure as for a single-chassis configuration should be perf ormed.
13.4 Enabling the Removal of a PCIExpress CardThissection describes the preparations that must be completed prior to the removal
ofa PCIe card. The preparation procedure differs depending on the maintenance
typea s follows:
■Active/Hotmaintenance (with PHP)
■Active/Hot maintenance (with DR)
■Inactive/Hot maintenance
■System-stopped maintenance
13.4.1 Active/Hot maintenance (with PHP)
1. Open the rack door.
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 2013246