XSCF> showresult
XSCF> showboards -a
PSB PPAR-ID(LSB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault
---- ------------ ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------
00-000(00) AssignedyyyPassedNormal
01-000(01) AssignedyyyPassedNormal
#ldm add-io PCIE8 domain01
#ldm add-io PCIE9 domain01
#ldm add-io PCIE10 domain01
#ldm add-io PCIE11 domain01
#ldm remove-io /BB1/PCI0 domain01 (*1)
#ldm add-io /BB1/PCI0 iodomain (*1)
Note- Start the root domain first, and then start I/O domains.
#ldm start-domain domain01
#ldm start-domain iodomain
4. Executethe showboards command to confirm that the target chassis has
beenincorporated into the physical partition.
TheBB-ID ofthe cha ssis requiring maintenance is indicated by the system board
Inthe fo llowing example, [Fault] of PSB 01-0 displays "Normal", which indicates
thatth e system board is operating normally.
5. Ifyou performed maintenance on a PCIe card using dynamic reconfiguration
(DR),restore the dev ices thatwere released before the maintenance to their
Reassignthe devices that were released from the root domain and I/O domains.
*1: PCIe slots are automatically assigned to the root domain. Therefore,to
reassign them to I/O domains, they must be released and then reassigned.
6. Startthe rootdomain and I/O domains.
Ifa virtualservice i s provided, the virtual service is automatically restarted.
7. Ifthere isa guest domain that uses a virtual de vice, log in to the guest domain
to restart the use of the device or incorporate it in to the duplication function
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 201372