Note- See the procedure for system-stopped maintenance for inactive/cold maintenance in a
single-chassisco nfiguration.
Caution - To completely shut down the system, all the power cords must be
removed. If the power cords are not removed, an electrical failure may occur.
Note- Use the DR of the system board on a physical partition for active/cold maintenance.
Forthe XCP an d Oracle VM Server for SPARC/SRU versions that correspond to the DR, see
thelatest Produc t Notes.
Note- Active/co ld maintenance can be performed only for a building block configuration.
XSCF> showlogs error
XSCF> replacefru
■Active/Cold maintenance
■Inactive/Cold maintenance
■System-stopped maintenance
14.3.1 Active/Cold maintenance1. Open the rack door.
2. Logi n to the XSCF shell.
3. Executethe showlogs command to identify the component requiring
For details, see "3.3.5 Checking log information."
4. Confirmthe hardware and software configurations.
For details, see "4.2 Confirmingthe System Configuration."
5. Releasethe building block, in which the PSU backplane unit requiring
maintenanceis mounted, from the physical partition.
For details, see "5.2 Releasinga Chassis from the Physical Partition."
Executethe replacefru command to release the chassis requiring maintenance
fromthe system.
For details, see "5.1 Releasing an FRU from the System with the replacefru
7. Removeal l the powercords from the PSU backplane unit of the chassis
For details, see "5.5.2 Removing the power cord."
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 2013268