Caution - Before you handle any components, wear a wrist strap to ground any static
electricity.If y ou perform this procedure without a wrist strap, individual
componentsor the overall system may be damaged. For details, see "1.5 Notes
Regarding Static Electricity."
Note- Recor d the positions of the cables before removing them to ensure that they are
reinstalledcorrectly .
M10-4Swith a FRAME-A CPU memory unit.
7.4.1 Accessing a CPU memory unit1. Remove thecrossbar cables from the cable support.
Performthis procedure only when using equipment rack model 26xx or
equipmentrack model 16xx. The procedure may vary depending on the model
ofthe equipment rack.
Ifyou are not using equipment rack model 26xx or equipment rack model 16xx,
proceedon to step 2.
Procedurewhen equipment rack model 26xx is used
a. Removeal l the crossbar cables from the crossbar unit.
b. Remove thehook-and-loop fastener of the cable support (A in the figure) to
whichthe crossbar cables are fixed.
Figure7-3 Hook-and-loopfastener of the cable support
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 201392