Note- Instal l the power supply units in their original positions by referring to t he notes that
youmade pr ior to the start of maintenance.
Note- Reinst all the fan units in their original locations by referring to the notes you made
priorto the start of m aintenance.
Note- Reinst all the internal disks in their original locations by referring to the notes that you
madeprior to the star t of maintenance.
Note- If no cr ossbar unit is mounted, proceed to step 10.
Note- Reinst all the PCIe card cassettes in their original positions by referring to the notes
thatyou made prior to the start of maintenance.
14.5.2 Restoring the chassis1. Install the fan shelf and then tighten the twoscrews in the fan slot.
2. Installall the power supply units.
For details, see "10.5.1 Installing a power supply unit."
3. Installall the fan units.
For details, see "11.5.1 Installing a fan unit."
4. Installal l the internal disksor HDD fille runi ts.
For details, see "12.5 Installing an Internal Disk."
5. Install the front cover.
For details, see "6.5.3 Installing the front cover."
6. Insertthe CPU memory unit in the chassis.
7. Raisethe right and left levers of the CPU memory unit and then tighten the
8. Install themounting frame for the crossbar unit and then tighten the three
9. Installall the crossbar units.
For details, see "9.5.1 Installing ac rossbar unit."
10. Installall thePCIe card cassettes.
For details, see "13.6.2 Installing a PCI Express card cassette."
11. Connectall the cables to the external interface.
■Interface cable connected to the PCIe card
Chapter14 Maintainingthe PSU Backplane Unit 275