Note- Check that XSCF DUAL control cable is correctly connected and secure.
Note- After connecting the XSCF DUAL control cable, use the hook-and-loop fastener to
bundlethe cables together and fasten them to rear cable support.
2. Removethe XSCF DUAL control cables from the other chassis.
Pullo ut the XSCF DUAL control cable while pushing the lock release buttons on
theboth sides of the cable.
27.5 Installing an XSCF DUAL ControlCableThissectio ndescr ibest hepr ocedure for installing an XSCF DUAL control cable.
1. Attachthe supplied connection destination label to the replacement XSCF
DUALcontrol cable.
Forthe new XSCF DUAL control cable, use the same type of label as the one on
theca ble requiring maintenance and write the same port number on it.
2. Connectthe XSCF DUAL control cable to SPARC M10-4S or the crossbar box.
27.6 Restoring the SystemThissectio n describes the procedure for restoring the system after installing the XSCF
DUAL control cables. The restoration procedure differs depending on the ma intenance
typea s follows:
■Active/Hot maintenance
■Inactive/Hot maintenance
■Inactive/Cold maintenance
■System-stopped maintenance
27.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance
1. Returnto the operation of the XSCF fi rmwarereplacefru command to confirm
thatthe XSCF DUAL control cable has been incorporated into the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
2. Executethe showstatus command to confirm that the FRU is operating
Chapter27 Maintainingthe XSCF DUAL C ontrol Cables 421