TableB-7 Specificationsof f an unit (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S)
Item Description
Numberof fan units 5
Location Frontof chassis
Typeof m aintenance Active/hot,active/co ld, inactive/hot, inactive/cold, and system
Maintenancecateg ory Replacement
TableB-8 Specificationsof f an unit (crossbar box)
Item Description
Numberof fan units 4
Location Frontof chassis
Typeof m aintenance Active/hot,inact ive/hot, and system stopped
Maintenancecateg ory Replacement
TableB-9 Specificationsof th e internal disk drive (SPARC M10-4/M10-4S)
Item Description
Maximum number of
internaldisk drives
Interface SAS
B.5 Fan UnitFivefan units are mounted on the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and four on the crossbar
cooling fans.
TableB-7 and Table B-8 list the specifications o f the fan units of the SPARC
M10-4/M10-4Sand the crossbar box, respectively.
Seethe follo wing chapters for details of the maintenance procedures:
SPARCM10-4/M10-4S: Chapter 11 Maintaining the Fan Units
Crossbarbox: Chapter 19 Maintaining the Fan Units of the Crossbar Box
B.6 Internal Disk DriveUpto eight h ard disks or solid state disks can be mounted as internal disks on
TableB-9 lists the specifications of the intern al disk drive.
AppendixB ComponentSpecifications 471