Note- Fo r a building block configuration, press the power switch on the master chassis. The
powerswitches of the ot her chassis are disabled.
Note- Fo r a building block configuration, check the POWER LEDs onall the ch assis that
makeup the system.
3. Check that the POWER LED on the operation panel is off.
5.5 Accessing ComponentsThissection describes the operations that must be completed prior to accessing a
component requiring maintenance.
5.5.1 Lowering the cable support
For a component that is accessed from the rear of the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S, the
cablesupport must be lowered and then the cables removed.
1. Loosenthe right and left screws fixing the cable support, and unlock it by
pulling the upper and lower metal fittings towards you (in the di rection of the
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 201364