XSCF> testsb -v -y -s 00-0
XSCF> testsb -v -y -s 00-0
7. Closethe rack door.
13.7.2 Active/Hot maintenance (with DR)1. Returnto the operation of theXSCF firmware replacefru command to confirm
thatthe chassis has been incorporated into the system.
For details, see "6.1 Incorporating an FRU into the System with the replacefru
2. Executethe testsb command to confirm that the PCIe card requiring
maintenanceis recognized.
Whenyou enter the "-y" option for the testsb command, the systemautomatically
answers "y" (yes) in response to an inquiry.
Thefollowing example shows the diagnosis of system board 00-0.
During the diagnosis processing, the show-devs command of OpenBoot PROM
isexecuted, and the result is displayed.
3. Incorporateinto the physical partition the chassis in which the PCIe card
requiringmaintenance is mounted.
For details, see "6.2 Incorporatinga Chassis into a Physical Partition."
4. Closethe rack door.
13.7.3 Inactive/Hot maintenance1. Logi n to the XSCF shell.
2. Executethe testsb command to confirm that the PCIe card requiring
maintenanceis recognized.
When you input optional "-y" for the testsb command, the system automatically
answers "y" (yes) in response to an inquiry.
Thefollowing example shows the diagnosis of system board 00-0.
3. Poweron the physical partition requiring maintenance.
Fordetails, see "6.3 Powering On the Ph ysical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
4. Closethe rack door.
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 2013262