Note- Record t he positions of the cables before removing them to ensure that they are
reinstalledcorrectly .
Note- Mak e a note of the positions of the PCIe card cassettes before removing them t o ensure
thatthey are rein stalled correctly.
3. Removeall thecables connected to the external interface on the rear of the
Theca blest o be removed are as follows.
Interface cable connected to the PCI Express (PCIe) card
Crossbarcables (They may have been removed in step 1.)
XSCFBB control cable
XSCFDUAL control cable
Serial cable
4. Removeall thePCIe card cassettes.
For details, see "13.5.2 Removing a PCI Express card cassette."
5. Ifany crossbar units are mounted, remov e them.
For details, see "9.4.2 Removing a crossbar unit."
6. Loosenthe three screws holding the mounting frame and then remove it.
Figure7-8 Screwssec uring the mounting frame
Chapter7 Maintainingthe CPU Memory Units 95