Caution- Before you handle any components, wear a wrist strap to ground any static
electricity.I fy ou perform this procedure without a wrist strap, individual
componentsor the overall system may be damaged. For details, see "1.5 Notes
Regarding Static Electricity."
10.4.1 Accessing a power supply unit1. Removethe frontcov er.
For details, see "5.5.3 Removing the front cover."
10.4.2 Removing a power supply unit1. Removethe power cord from the power supply unit requiring maintenance.
2. Loosen the screws securing the power supply unit and open the lever.
Figure10-2 Screwssec uring power supply unit
3. Holdthe lev er andpull the power supply unit out of the chassis.
4. Support the power supply unit from below with one hand and remove it
carefully from its slot.
Chapter10 Maintainingthe Power Supply Units 199