Caution - To completely shut down the system, all the power cords must be
removed. If the power cords are not removed, an electrical failure may occur.
Note- Unless the sy stem has a redundant configuration, data on the hard disk drive will be
lost.Thus, perf orm this operation only after backing up the data on the hard disk drive. In
addition,active/hot maintenance of the boot device cannot be performed in a non-redundant
#cfgadm -a
12.3.1 Active/Hot maintenanceBeforeperforming maintenance, check the hardware configuration and software
configuration.For details, see "4.2 Confirmingthe System Configuration."
Theprocedure may vary depending on the configuration of the hard disk drive.
When the system is configured with a hardware RAID
Proceed only after checking the failed hard disk drive. For details, see "14.2.8
Checking the disk drive status" and "14.2.9 Checkingfor a failed disk drive" in the
FujitsuM10/SPARC M10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide.
When the system is configured with a softwareR AID
Seeyo ur software manual.
When the system is configured without either a hardware RAID or software
Toa dd an internal disk, perform the procedure up to step 2.
1. Open the rack door.
2. Displaythe Oracle Solaris super-user prompt.
3. Executethe cfgadm(1M) command to check the configuration of the internal
Ifyo u replace or reduce an internal disk, use the cfgadm -a command to check
refersto a string such as "c4::dsk/c4t5000039428298FFEd0".
Ifyo u install an internal disk, use the cfgadm -a command to check the number
ofdisks mounted.
4. Stopall applications from using the internal disk.
5. Executethe cfgadm(1M) command to release the internal disk requiring
maintenancefrom the system.
Enterthe Ap_ID you noted in advance.
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 2013228