Note- Do notforce the internaldisk i nto the slot. Using excessive force may damage the
componentor the chassis.
Note- Ensure that the internal disks are firmly inserted and secured.
Note- See the procedure for system-stopped maintenance for inactive/cold maintenance in a
single-chassisco nfiguration.
2. With the lever opened, hold the internal disk.
3. Carefully insert the internal disk into the slot.
4. Closethe lev er to securethe internal disk.

12.5.2 Restoring the chassis

1. Install thef rontco ver.
For details, see "6.5.3 Installing the front cover."
12.6 Restoring the System
Thissectio n describes the procedures for restoring the system after replacement,
addition,and removal of internal disks. The restoration procedure differs depending
ont he maintenance type as follows:
Active/Hot maintenance
Active/Cold maintenance
Inactive/Hot maintenance
Inactive/Cold maintenance
System-stopped maintenance

12.6.1 Active/Hot maintenance

Theprocedure may vary depending on the configuration of the hard disk drive.
When the system is configured with a hardware RAID
Theo peration varies depending on the hardware RAID configuration (RAID 0, RAID
1,or RAID 1E). For details, see "14.2.9 Checking for a faileddisk drive" in the
FujitsuM10/SPARC M10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide.
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual December 2013234