Note- Rein stall the crossbar cables (optical) in their original positions by referring to the
notesthat y ou made prior to the start of maintenance.
Note- In the case of a d ual power feed, connect the power cords in their original positions by
referringto th ere cord that you made before the start of maintenance.
XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -p 02
3. Connectall crossbar cables (optical) to the crossbar unit.
For details, see "25.5 Installinga Crossbar Cable (Optical)."
16.6 Restoring the SystemThissectio n describes the procedure for restoring the system after installing the
crossbarunits. The restoration procedure differs depending on the maintenance type
asfollo ws:
■Active/Cold maintenance
■Inactive/Cold maintenance
■System-stopped maintenance
16.6.1 Active/Cold maintenance
1. Connect all the power cords to the power supply unit of the crossbar box
For details, see "6.5.1 Installing the power cord."
2. Executethe diagxbu command to diagnose the crossbar cables.
Diagnosis is performed when the system board of the chassis connected with the
crossbar cables is incorporated into the physical partition, and the physical
partitionis powered on.
Theex ample below specifies the following:
00:BB-ID ofthe c hassis to start the diagnosis
02: PPAR-ID of the destination where the chassis to start the diagnosis is
connected (You can specify only one of these.)
3. Poweron the physical partition requiring maintenance.
Fordetails, see "6.3 Powering On t he Physical Partition Requiring Maintenance."
4. Closethe rack door.
FujitsuM10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual ・December 2013304