TableB-11 Specificationsof XS CF interface unit (crossbar box) (continue d)
Item Description
Location Rearof chassis
Typeof m aintenance Systemstopped
Maintenancecateg ory Replacement
For the maintenance procedure, see "Chapter 20 Maintaining the XSCF Interface
Unito fthe C rossbar Box."
B.9 BackplanesThebackplanes of the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S and the crossbar box have connectors
forc onnecting replaceable units in the chassis. The PSU backplane unit of SPARC
M10-4/M10-4Smounts the memory that stores the identification information and the
usersetting information.
Thebackplane of the SPARC M10-4/M10-4S is shown below.
■PSUbackplane unit (A in the figure)
AppendixB ComponentSpecifications 473