Thischapter describes how to determine and confirm the cause if an error occurs.
■SuspectedF ailure Conditions
■Determining the Causes of Individual Failures
■Identifying a Failure
■DownloadingError Log Information
3.1 Suspected Failure ConditionsThissection explains suspected failure conditions. Use the flow to determinethe
causeof a failure and identify the failure location in the following cases. For details
onthe flow for determining the cause of a failure, see "3.2 Determining the Causes
ofIndividual Failures."
■Whenthe CHECK LED is on
■Whenan error message is displayed on the console
■Whenan error is displayed as a result of executing a command for checking the
■Whenan error is displayed in the error log
3.2 Determining the Causes of IndividualFailuresThissection explains the flow for determining the causes of failures. This flow is also
appliedto failures of the PCI expansion unit.