Note- Mount the memory in the same position as it was mounted in the removed CPU
memory unit upper.
Note- A part of the procedure varies depending on the CPU memory unit type. To
determinethe CPU memory unit type, check the label in Figure 7-2.
11. Removethe memory modules from the removed CPU memory unit upper and
theninstall them in the new CPU memory unit upper.
For details, see "8.5 RemovingMemory"and"8.6 InstallingMemory."
7.4.4 Removing a PCI Express cableWhenreducing a CPU memory unit upper or when replacing a PCIe cable, remove
thePCIe cable. You can expand a CPU memory unit upper by performing the above
procedureup to step 9.
Forthe SPARC M10-4 with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit and the SPARC M10-4S
witha FRAME-B CPU memory unit, perform the procedure from step 2.
1. Removethe eight screws at both ends of the XSCF cable connection port on
therear of the CPU memory unit lower.
Usea flathe ad screwdriver (small) to remove them.
Forthe SPARC M10-4 with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit and the SPARC
M10-4Swith a FRAME-B CPU memory unit, this step is not necessary.
Figure7-21 Screwsfo r both ends of the XSCF cable connection ports (for the
SPARCM10-4S with a FRAME-A CPU memory unit)
Chapter7 Maintaining the CPU Memory Units 105