XSCF> diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01
Note- If y ou cannot log in with an XSCF user account and password, use the default user
accountof th e XSCF to log in to the XSCF. For details, see "6.3 Logging In to the XSCF" in
theFujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems Installation Guide.
XSCF> restoreconfig
XSCF> showlogs error
(You can specify one or more of these.)
Tospecif y multiple connection destination BB-IDs, enter a command like
"diagxbu -y -b 00 -t 01 -t 02".
4. Executethe restoreconfig command to restore the XSCF setting information
onlywhen the CPU memory unit lower in a singe-chassis configuration has
Ifthe CPU memory unit lower is has not been replaced, restoration is not
necessary. Proceed to step 5.
a. LogintotheXSCFshell.
b. Executethe restoreconfig command to restore the XSCF setting
informationthat hasbeen saved with the dumpconfigcommand.
For details,see "10. 9.3 RestoringXSCF setting information" in the Fujitsu
M10/SPARCM10 Systems System Operation and Administration Guide.
c. Executethe ve rsioncommand to confirm the fi rmwarev ersion information.
Ifthe ver sion does not match the one before the replacement, update the
For details, see "16.1.3 Updatingfirmware" in the Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10
SystemsSystem Operation and Administration Guide.
5. Executethe showlogs command to confirm that the system is operating
For details, see "3.3.5 Checkinglog information."
6. Executethe testsb command to confirm that the CPU memory unit requiring
maintenanceis normally recognized.
For a building block configuration, you do not have to execute the testsb
command.Proceed to step 7.
When you input optional "-y" for the testsb command, the system automatically
answers "y" (yes) in response to an inquiry.
Thefollowing example shows the diagnosis of system board 00-0.
Chapter7 Maintainingthe CPU Memory Units 153