Table15-1 Typesof maintenance for operation panel
Configuration Active/hot Active/cold Inactive/hot Inactive/cold(*1) Systemstopped
Single-chassis configuration
Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported Supported Supported
Building block configuration
Unsupported Supported (*2) Unsupported Supported Supported
*1: Fora single-chassis configuratio n,t hein active/cold maintenance procedure is the same as that for stopping the system, therefore see
theprocedure for system-stoppe d maintenance.
*2: Itis necessary to use dynamic r econfiguration (DR) to disconnect a chassis requiring maintenan ce from the physical partition.
Table15-2 Maintenanceflow
Detailsof update process Replacement
1 Preparation 15.3
2 Removingthe operation panel 15.4
3 Installingthe operation panel 15.5
4 Restoringthe system 15.6
Note- See the proced ure for system-stopped maintenance for inactive/cold maintenance in a

15.2.2 Maintenance flow

Table15-2 lists the sequence of the maintenance procedure for the operation panel.

15.2.3 P recautions for replacement

Notethe following point when r eplacing the operation panel:
Ifyo u replace the operation panel, set the BB-ID for the new operation panel to the
samevalue as that prior to the start of maintenance.
15.3 Enabl ing the Removal of the Operation
Thissectio n describes the preparations that must be completed prior to the removal
ofthe operation panel. The preparation procedure differs depending on the
maintenance type as follows:
Chapter15 Maintainingthe Operation Panel 283