APRIL, 1990

360.1 General

To provide dialing restrictions on an individual station
basis, a method of code restriction has been designed
into the Electra Mark11 system. The Electra Mark11
utilizes a pattern of 32 system tables containing
specific area and office codes. Each table is set as an
allow or deny table. Allowing restricted stations to
dial only specific area and office codes is then
accomplished by assigning one or more tables to the
stations as required. If operator restriction (Memory
Block lD7) is not assigned to’a’station, then it is not
restricted from dialing any number. This section will
fully explain this procedure. It is recommended that
before attempting to program any code restrictions that
this section be fully reviewed.
Table 360-l
1-t I
1 3E7 1 OCCFLAG 1 I 3E8
c y I I
3E9 ; ;: I I I I
5 I I I 1
E 6 I I I I
7 I I I I
Is II l I I 1 I
There are 32 system code tables (Example shown in
Table 360-l) available on the Electra Mark11 system.
Each table has several parameters assignable.

Allow/Deny Parameter

Each table can be assigned as an allow or a deny table.
If a table is set as a deny table, stations assigned this
table will be restricted from dialing any area code or
area + office code, or office code entered into the table.
If a station is assigned a deny table and an allow table
that both contain identical area or area + office codes,
or office codes, the system will allow the station to dial
the number if the allow table number comes before the
deny table number.
Example: Operator restriction is assigned to
station 104. (M.B. lD7, LK5 = ON)
Station 104 is assigned Table 01 and Table 14
Table 01 is assigned as an allow
Table 14 is assigned as a deny
Table 01 has its first entry programmed for
516 753
Table 14 has its first entry programmed for
516*** (* represents digits 1 - 0, #, and *)
After the 516 is dialed, the system will inspect all the
tables assigned to this station starting with the first
table then to the next in numerical order; the Electra
Mark II system will look for a match between the
number entered into a table and the number dialed.
The example shows that if 516 is dialed there will be
an area code match in Table 01 (containing 516-7531
and Table 14, (containing 516). The system only sees
the match for Table 01 as it scans the tables in
numerical order. If the system first saw the match in
Table 14, the station user would have been restricted
because Table 14 has been set as deny. Although there
is a match in Table 01, it is not a complete match
because the 516 in the table also contains an office code
The system will, therefore, allow Station 104 to dial 3
more digits. If 753 has not been dialed, it no longer
sees the match in Table 01. The system will, therefore,
only see the match in Table 14 (where an office code
has not been specified). If 753 had been dialed, the
match would still be seen in Table 01. This example
shows a way to restrict a station from dialing all but
one office code in a particular area code.

Trunk Group Parameter

Each table can be assigned a maximum of four trunk
groups. When a code restricted station dials out on a
particular trunk group, the system will only look at
those tables which are assigned to the station and to
the trunk group the station is dialing out on. This
allows different restrictions to be set on a station on
the trunk group that is accessed.

OCC (Other Common Carrier) Flag Parameter

Each table has an OCC Flag Parameter which can be
set or not. When a station user dials a second common
carrier, it is necessary to first dial lo-XXX (XXX
identifies the carrier service to be used) before the
actual telephone number. To allow/deny a toll
restricted station to dial beyond 10, the OCC Flag
Parameter must be set in at least one table assigned to
the station.