APRIL, 1990
420.32 Data Communications
Terminal - A computer terminal, usually a video
display terminal (VDT), a hard copy terminal
(Decwritera, TI@ Silent 7001, or a personal
computer placed in terminal emulation mode
(Crosstalk@, Smartcomm@).
DCE (Data Communications Equinment) - A
device at one end of a communications link, usually
a modem or a main frame front end.
DTE (Data Terminal Equinment) - A device at one
end of a communications link, usually a terminal.
DTA-E (Data Terminal Adaptor) - The Electra
Mark11 Data Terminal Adaptor option. The DTA-E
is mounted in the base of any Multiline Terminal
with a display.
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) - An RS-232 signal
appearing at pin 20 of the connector. This signal is
generated by the DTE to inform the DCE that the
DTE is present. This signal can be instructed to be
on or off when the terminal is turned on via dip
switches located in the terminal.
DSR (Data Set Readv) - An RS-232 signal
appearing at pin 6 of the connector. This signal is
generated by the DCE to inform the DTE that the
DCE is present. This signal can be instructed to be
on or off when the modem is turned on via dip
switches located in the modem.
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