Chapter 29
Market profile attributes
The following describes some of the differences in the market profile attributes. These attributes are based on the market profile that you select when you configure the system. Each market profile is designed using a set of system attributes that provide specific functionality for the geographical area in which the system is deployed.
Refer to the following topics:
•“Media bay module availability” on page 255
•“Time zones and language information” on page 257
•“Core parameters for market profiles” on page 259
•“Global analog trunk parameters” on page 272
•“GASM8 parameters” on page 275
•“ISDN line services” on page 278
•“Analog and digital trunk types” on page 279
Media bay module availability
Some of the media bay modules (MBM) are customized for a specific region and are not available to all market profiles. Table 63 provides a list of market profiles and MBMs available within each market profile.
The symbols in the chart are defined as follows:
indicates full support. The MBM is available and is localized in the market profile.
indicates that functionality and support is limited. The MBM is available in the market profile, but is not localized.
Table 63 Media bay module availability by market profile (Sheet 1 of 2)
| DSM16(+)/ | ASM/ |
| CTM4/ | GATM4/ |
Market profile | DSM32 (+) | ASM8 | ASM8+ | GASM8 | CTM8 | GATM8 | 4x16 | BRI | DTM |
Australia |
Brazil |
Canada |
Caribbean |
Denmark |
France |