72Chapter 8 Global telephony settings
The global telephony settings affect a number of different telephony features.
•Business Name: This is part of the CLID feature. It displays the business name on outgoing calls for all system telephones, on which CLID is allowed and activated.
•Feature settings: These affect different aspects of how various features act, or if they are allowed on the system.
•Timers provides timeout parameters for different types of telephony features.
•System wide call appearance (SWCA) fields determine how the telephones will relate calls to SWCA assignments.
Feature Settings
Refer to the following for a description of the fields in each segment of this panel.
•“Feature Settings panel” on page 73
•“Timers” on page 76
•“System Wide Call Appearances Control” on page 78
•“ONN Blocking (North American systems)” on page 80