70 Chapter 7 Common procedures: copying and renumbering DNs
Figure 24 Paste Set Data dialog box
6Select the check boxes for the properties that you want to copy to the new DN.
7Click OK.
Renumbering DNs
Your system
When you change a DN, the DN record retains the same port number, because the telephone is not being moved physically. The original DN then assigns to the port vacated by the DN that you assign as the new DN. If you fill the DN/Port record in the Programming Records, remember to change the entries.
Change telephone DNs using the Element Manager
There are two panels in Element Manager from which you can change the DN setting:
•Element Manager: Configuration > Telephony > Sets > Active Sets
•Element Manager: Configuration > Telephony > Dialing Plan
The procedure is the same in both panels.
To change telephone DNs
2Type the number of the DN you want to assign to the set.
3Press Tab, or click in another field, to apply the selection.