Chapter 11
DMC Feature List
The Digital Mobility Controller (DMC) Feature list enables you to arrange the order of the features that appear as soft keys on a Digital Mobility 7420/7430/7440 handset. This is a
The following paths indicate where to access the DMC Feature List in Element Manager and in telset administration:
•Element Manager: Configuration > Telephony > Global Settings > DMC Feature List
•Telset Admin: **CONFIG > System Programming > DMC Feat List
The following features are available in the following default positions:
•Position 1: PARK (Call Park, F74)
•Position 2: PAGE (General Page, F60)
•Position 3: VM (Voicemail login, F981)
•Position 4: CFAC (Call Forward, F4)
•Position 5: PKUP (Group Pickup, F75)