216 Chapter 25 Feature configuration: Making calls
Configuring system settings for page
Page is a standard system feature. However, there are two system settings that you must confirm or change, depending on your requirements. To configure the system settings for the page feature in Element Manager, navigate to Configuration > Telephony > Global Settings > Feature Settings.
To configure system settings for page
1Select the Page tone check box, on the Feature Settings panel, if you want a tone to sound before a page announcement, or if you want the page announcement to just occur.
2On the Timers panel, in the Page timeout
Setting the page timeout
Page announcements are programmed to
Configuring telephone settings for page
This procedure describes how to determine individual telephone access to the page feature and how the system handles page broadcasts. To configure a telephone for the page feature in Element Manager, navigate to Configuration > Telephony > Sets > Active Sets.
To configure telephone settings for page
1Click Configuration > Telephony > Sets > Active Sets.
2Click the Capabilities and Preferences tab.
3Select the DN for the telephone where you want to define the page feature.
4On the bottom frame, under the Capabilities tab:
•Select the Paging check box if you want the telephone to have access to the paging feature.
•Beside Page zone, enter the number of the zone that the telephone is to be part of for pages. Enter None if you do not want the set to receive a page.
Setting Auto hold on incoming pages
If this Page feature is enabled, telephones with active calls that receive internal pages have the active call placed on hold for the duration of the page. When the page message is finished, the active call is removed from hold.
Configuration > Telephony > Sets > Active Sets > Capabilities and Preferences > Capabilities