Chapter 25 Feature configuration: Making calls 219
4The conference master enters FEATURE 3 to create an
Note: A conference participant can also add parties to the conference by placing the conference on hold and calling a fourth party on a free intercom key. The fourth caller is placed into conference when the participant enters FEATURE 3. The participant placing that call is then a conference master for an
Note: This procedure can be repeated to include up to 64 conferencees.
Other conference features:
•Remove yourself from the conference permanently: FEATURE 70.
Note: The other two callers remain connected. (Some external lines may not support this feature. Ask your System Administrator.)
Note: For FEATURE 70 to work, at least one of the calls must be incoming.
•Put the conference on hold at one telephone: Press HOLD.
Note: The other two callers can continue to talk to each other.
•Split a conference: Press the line, or intercom button, of one caller to consult privately while the other caller is on hold.
•Disconnect one party:
a Press the line, or intercom button, of the caller you want to disconnect, then press RLS. b Press the line, or intercom button, of the remaining caller to resume your conversation.
•Independently hold two calls: Press the line or intercom button of the first caller, then press HOLD. The second caller is put on hold automatically.
•Release privacy to create a conference call: