Chapter 6 DN records parameters 45
Figure 8 Properties tab
Table 9 describes these fields.
Table 9 Line Access tab fields (Sheet 1 of 2)
Attribute | Value | Description |
Pub. OLI | <up to 12 digits> | This setting defaults to the DN of the device. The Public Network |
| Code concatenates to the beginning of this number to create the |
| entire public network number. The length of this number is |
| dependent on the country requirements. |
| This line identification number (OLI) appears on the telephone called |
| from this telephone over the public network. Also refer to “Public |
| network settings” in the BCM 4.0 Networking Configuration Guide |
| (N0060606). |
| North America: If the OLI contains the public network code, the |
| information in the Public Network code field is ignored. Therefore, it |
| is recommended that OLIs be programmed to the public received |
| number length, only. This allows a global change if the Public |
| Network Code is changed. |
| Also refer to “Configuring CLID on your system” in the BCM 4.0 |
| Networking Configuration Guide (N0060606). |
Priv. OLI | <numeric> | Define the originating line identification number (OLI) that appears |
| on the telephone being called from this telephone over a private |
| network. |
| Note: On systems running DID, this field is populated automatically |
| with the DN. |
| If the DN length or the Received # length are changed to be different |
| from each other, this field is cleared. |
| Also refer to “Configuring CLID on your system” in the BCM 4.0 |
| Networking Configuration Guide (N0060606). |
*If your system allows outgoing name and number blocking, the telephone must have a valid OLI.