Chapter 20 Global VoIP features 147
5Press OK.
Offset time zones: For areas, such as Newfoundland, Canada, where the time zone is offset from a full hour, press the # key to add 0.5 to the number of hours, then press OK.
Note: The telephone is still configured to change when Daylight Savings Time occurs, if the host system is programmed to change. Therefore, if the telephone is in an area that stays on Standard Time year round (for example, Saskatchewan, Canada), you must readjust the time on your IP telephone at each time change. You must also readjust the time if the IP telephone is in a time zone that changes, and the system is not (for example, if the telephone is in Alberta, Canada, and the system is located in Saskatchewan).
Download firmware to a Nortel IP telephone
Firmware is the software stored in the telephone. When the system is upgraded with a new IP telephone firmware load, this firmware load automatically downloads into the IP telephones when the telephones next connect to the system.
The IP Terminal Details subpanel has a Force firmware download button that enables you to initiate an immediate download to a telephone. You force a download in situations where troubleshooting suggests that a particular telephone has corrupted firmware. Refer to
“IP telephone set details” in the BCM 4.0 Networking Configuration Guide (N0060606) for details.
To force a firmware download to a Nortel IP telephone
1You can access the reset button from two locations:
•Configuration > Resources > Telephony Resources > Terminal Details
•Configuration > Telephony > Sets > Active Sets > Capabilities and Preferences > IP Terminal Details
2Select an IP telephone from the list.
3Click Force firmware download.
The system drops any active call on that telephone, and downloads a new firmware load into the selected telephones. The telephone is unusable until the download is complete, and the telephone has reset.
Note: In order not to saturate the IP network with download packets, the system only downloads to a maximum of five IP telephones at any given time. Telephones requiring download show an Element Manager status of Download Pending. The UNISTIM Terminal Proxy Server (UTPS) initiates download as resources become available.