150 | Error Reporting Block Header Register (ERR_RPT_BH) Field Descriptions | 209 |
151 | Logical/Transport Layer Error Detect CSR (ERR_DET) Field Descriptions | 210 |
152 | Logical/Transport Layer Error Enable CSR (ERR_EN) Field Descriptions | 212 |
153 | Logical/Transport Layer High Address Capture CSR (H_ADDR_CAPT) Field Descriptions | 214 |
154 | Logical/Transport Layer Address Capture CSR (ADDR_CAPT) Field Descriptions | 215 |
155 | Logical/Transport Layer Device ID Capture CSR (ID_CAPT) Field Descriptions | 216 |
156 | Logical/Transport Layer Control Capture CSR (CTRL_CAPT) Field Descriptions | 217 |
157 | 218 | |
158 | SPn_ERR_DET Registers and the Associated Ports | 219 |
159 | Port Error Detect CSR n (SPn_ERR_DET) Field Descriptions | 219 |
160 | SPn_RATE_EN Registers and the Associated Ports | 221 |
161 | Port Error Rate Enable CSR n (SPn_RATE_EN) Field Descriptions | 221 |
162 | SPn_ERR_ATTR_CAPT_DBG0 Registers and the Associated Ports | 223 |
163 | Port n Attributes Error Capture CSR 0 (SPn_ERR_ATTR_CAPT_DBG0) Field Descriptions | 223 |
164 | SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG1 Registers and the Associated Ports | 224 |
165 | Port n Error Capture CSR 1 (SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG1) Field Descriptions | 224 |
166 | SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG2 Registers and the Associated Ports | 225 |
167 | Port n Error Capture CSR 2 (SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG2) Field Descriptions | 225 |
168 | SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG3 Registers and the Associated Ports | 226 |
169 | Port n Error Capture CSR 3 (SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG3) Field Descriptions | 226 |
170 | SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG4 Registers and the Associated Ports | 227 |
171 | Port n Error Capture CSR 4 (SPn_ERR_CAPT_DBG4) Field Descriptions | 227 |
172 | SPn_ERR_RATE Registers and the Associated Ports | 228 |
173 | Port Error Rate CSR n (SPn_ERR_RATE) Field Descriptions | 228 |
174 | SPn_ERR_THRESH Registers and the Associated Ports | 229 |
175 | Port Error Rate Threshold CSR n (SPn_ERR_THRESH) Field Descriptions | 229 |
176 | Port IP Discovery Timer for 4x Mode Register (SP_IP_DISCOVERY_TIMER) Field Descriptions | 230 |
177 | Port IP Mode CSR (SP_IP_MODE) Field Descriptions | 231 |
178 | Port IP Prescaler Register (IP_PRESCAL) Field Descriptions | 233 |
179 | 234 | |
180 | SPn_RST_OPT Registers and the Associated Ports | 235 |
181 | Port Reset Option CSR n (SPn_RST_OPT) Field Descriptions | 235 |
182 | SPn_CTL_INDEP Registers and the Associated Ports | 236 |
183 | Port Control Independent Register n (SPn_CTL_INDEP) Field Descriptions | 236 |
184 | SPn_SILENCE_TIMER Registers and the Associated Ports | 238 |
185 | Port Silence Timer n Register (SPn_SILENCE_TIMER) Field Descriptions | 238 |
186 | SPn_MULT_EVNT_CS Registers and the Associated Ports | 239 |
187 | Port | 239 |
188 | SPn_CS_TX Registers and the Associated Ports | 240 |
189 | Port Control Symbol Transmit n Register (SPn_CS_TX) Field Descriptions | 240 |
SPRUE13A | List of Tables | 13 |