OUTBOUND_ACKID field of SPn_ACKID_STAT 202 outbound credit 75
outbound port number for packet forwarding 124
operation 58 |
OUTPORTID field of LSUn_REG4 159 |
| |
OUTPUT_DEGRD_ENC field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
OUTPUT_ERROR_ENC field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
OUTPUT_ERROR_STP field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
OUTPUT_FLD_ENC field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
OUTPUT_PKT_DROP field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
OUTPUT_PORT_ENABLE field of SPn_CTL | 206 | ||
OUTPUT_RETRIED field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
OUTPUT_RETRY_ENC field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
OUTPUT_RETRY_STP field of SPn_ERR_STAT | 203 | ||
output amplitude field 128 |
output degraded status bit for ports 203 |
| |
output enable field for port n 207 |
output | 204 |
output failed status bit for ports 203 |
output packet drop status bit for ports | 203 |
output port number field for LSUn 159 |
output retry control symbol status bit for ports | 204 | ||
output retry status bit for ports 204 |
output | 204 |
output swing field 128 |
output transmission error status bit for ports 204 |
override memory sleep bit | 113 |
oversize packet at port n |
rate counting enable field | 222 |
status field 220 |
ownership field of RX buffer descriptor | 47 | |
ownership field of TX buffer descriptor | 52 |
PACKET_TYPE field of LSUn_REG5 160 packet drop status bit for ports 203 packet forwarding registers
packet header capture fields for port n error capture bytes 0 to 3 224
bytes 4 to 7 225 bytes 8 to 11 226 bytes 12 to 15 227
packet header fields direct I/O operation 38 doorbell operation 64 message request packet 44
rate counting enable field | 221 |
status field 220 |
packet priority field for LSUn | 159 |
packet reordering during transmission 75
| SRIO Registers | |
packet response timeout at LSU or TXU |
| ||||||||||
reporting enable field | 213 |
| |||||
status field 211 |
| ||
packets |
bad CRC in packet at port n |
| ||||||
rate counting enable field | 222 |
| |||||||
status field | 220 |
| ||
force insertion of control symbol in outbound packet |
| |||||||||||
240 |
Ftype and Ttype | 25 |
| |||
maintenance packets | 63 |
| ||||
operation sequence 22 |
| |||||
oversize packet at port n |
| |||||
rate counting enable field | 222 |
| |||||||
status field | 220 |
| ||
send debug packet field for port n | 237 |
| |||||||||
23 |
| ||||||
unexpected ackID in packet at port n |
| |||||||||
rate counting enable field | 222 |
| |||||||
status field | 220 |
| ||
unexpected packet at port n |
| ||||||
rate counting enable field | 222 |
| |||||||
status field | 220 |
| ||
PAR_0 field of SPn_CS_TX | 240 |
| ||||||
PAR_1 field of SPn_CS_TX | 240 |
| ||||||
parameter0 control symbol field for port n | 240 |
| ||||||||||
parameter1 control symbol field for port n | 240 |
| ||||||||||
payload capture fields for | 234 |
| ||||||||||
PCR 112 |
PE_FEAT | 186 |
PE_LL_CTL 190 |
| ||
peak value of error rate counter for port n | 228 |
| ||||||||||
| ||||
PEREN field of PCR | 112 |
| ||||
peripheral class field | 111 |
| ||||
peripheral control register 112 |
| ||||||
peripheral data flow |
| 21 |
| ||
peripheral flow control enable bit | 112 |
| ||||||||
peripheral global enable register | 116 |
| ||||||||
peripheral global enable status register | 117 |
| ||||||||||
peripheral identification register | 111 |
| ||||||||
peripheral revision field | 111 |
| |||||
peripheral settings control register |
| 113 |
| |||||||
peripheral type field |
| 111 |
| |||
PF_8B_CNTL 124 |
| ||
PF_16B_CNTLn 123 |
| ||||
PHY. See physical layer | 23 |
| |||||
physical layer |
| |
content in SRIO data stream | 22 |
| |||||||
control symbols | 24 |
| |||
definition | 16 |
in Load/Store module data flow diagram | 39 |
| ||||||||||
specifications | 18 |
| ||
Physical Layer 1x/4x |
| |||||||||||
physical layer buffers |
| |||
in packet transmission discussion | 75 |
| |||||||||
| Index | 249 |