HOL Blocking Pevention
This window is used to enable HOL Prevention Settings on the Switch.
To view this window, click QoS > HOL Blocking Prevention Settings as shown below:
Figure 4 - 2 HOL Prevention Settings window
Bandwidth Control
The bandwidth control settings are used to place a ceiling on the transmitting and receiving data rates for any selected port.
To view this window, click QoS > Bandwidth Control as shown below:
| Figure 4 - 3 Bandwidth Control window |
The following parameters can be set or are displayed: | |
Parameter | Description |
From port / To port | A consecutive group of ports may be configured starting with the selected port. |
Type | This |
| setting will determine whether the bandwidth ceiling is applied to receiving, transmitting, or both |
| receiving and transmitting packets. |
No Limit | This |
| port have unlimited bandwidth. |
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