choose a specific number of times to ping the Target IP Address by entering a number between 1 and 255.
Timeout | Select a timeout period between 1 and 10 seconds for this Ping message to reach its |
| destination. If the packet fails to find the IPv4 address in this specified time, the Ping packet will |
| be dropped. |
| IPv6 Ping Test |
Target IP Address | Enter the Target IPv6 Address of the host. |
Interface Name | Enter the Target Interface Name of the host. |
Repeat Pinging for | Check the Infinite times radio button, which will tell the ping program to keep sending ICMP |
| Echo packets to the specified IP address until the program is stopped. Or the user may opt to |
| choose a specific number of times to ping the Target IP Address by entering a number |
| between 1 and 255. |
Size | Use this parameter to set the datagram size of the packet, or the number of bytes in each ping |
| packet. Users may set a size between 1 and 6000 bytes with a default setting of 100 bytes. |
Timeout | Select a timeout period between 1 and 10 seconds for this Ping message to reach its |
| destination. If the packet fails to find the IPv6 address in this specified time, the Ping packet will |
| be dropped. |
Click Start to initiate the Ping program
Local Loopback Ports Settings
The Local Loopback Ports Settings are used to start or stop the internal loopback test on selected ports, or set to/recover external loopback mode. When internal loopback is enabled, the device starts to send test packets to the port, and keeps monitoring the packets received. When internal loopback is disabled, the loopback test is terminated and the result is displayed. A port can only operate in one loopback mode at a time. When external loopback is enabled, the MAC/PHY is set to external loopback mode. When external loopback is disabled, the MAC/PHY resumes normal operation.
To view this window, click Configuration > Local Loopback Ports Settings as shown below:
Figure 2 - 39 Local Loopback Ports Settings window
The following parameters may be configured:
Parameter Description
From Port / To Port
Select a port or group of ports to Enable or Disable the Local Loopback Ports Settings using